Korowa Anglican Girls’ School – Sports and Wellbeing Centre
Job Report by Scott T, September 2022
To continue to deliver on their mission and support the physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual wellbeing of their students, a new Sports and Wellbeing Centre was developed in the heart of the Korowa Anglican Girls’ School campus in Glen Iris.
The design of the stunning Sports and Wellbeing Centre was complex and evolved significantly post tender and during its construction. Which can be challenging. But we’re always up for a challenge. We stayed focused on the client and how they planned to use the new spaces when they were completed.
Another project with Ireland Brown Constructions, Culprit Security was engaged to extend the existing Inner Range Integriti Access Control and Alarm system, and Milestone and Axis CCTV system.
We’re all about long-term relationships built on trust. Since completing these works Culprit Security is still engaging directly with the school to assist with further upgrades despite the school already having an incumbent.

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